Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Playlist for April 9, 2008

1. Cloudland Canyon - Krautwerk (Lie in Light)
2. Cloudland Canyon - Holy Canyon - Vanquish (Requiems Der Natur 2002-2004)
3. Cloudland Canyon - Silver Tongued Sisyphus (Silver Tongued Sisyphus EP)
4. Cloudland Canyon - White Woman (Lie in Light)
5. Comus - The Prisoner (First Utterance)
6. The Tear Garden - The Train to China (Eye Spy With My Little Eye)
7. Kraftwerk - Ruckzuck (1\2)
8. 13th Floor Elevators - Roller Coaster (The Psychedelic Sounds of...)
9. Suicide - Ghost Rider (Suicide)
10. The Beach Boys - Gettin' Hungry (Smiley Smile)

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