Saturday, September 26, 2009

Playlist for September 23, 2009

1. Religious Knives - On A Drive (The Door)
2. Religious Knives - The Storm (The Door) (bonus double religious knives feature due to technical difficulties with the Oneida CD!)
3. Faust - It's A Rainy Day, Sunshine Girl (Faust/Faust So Far)
4. Al Stewart - Turn to Earth (V/A, Great British Psychedelic Trip Vol. 2)
5. Oneida - Treasure Plane (Secret Wars)
6. Six Organs of Admittance - Bar-Nasha/Cover Your Wounds With the Sky (Luminous Night)
7. Strap the Button - 1.618 (What Kind of Rat Bastard Psychotic Would Play That Song Right Now At This Moment?)
8. White Rainbow - Guitars (Prism of Eternal Now)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Playlist for September 16, 2009

1. A Beautiful Machine - The Sound of Her Wings (Solar Variants)
2. The Warlocks - Red Camera (Tee Pee Records Spring Sampler)
3. Negative Space - Calm Before the Storm (The Living Dead Years)
4. Can - Soul Desert (Soundtracks)
5. Incredible String Band - The Mad Hatter's Song (The 5000 Spirits or the Layers of the Onion)
6. Comus - Drip Drip (First Utterance)
7. Acid Mothers Guru Guru - Bo Diddley (Psychedelic Navigator)
8. Syn - 14 Hour Technicolor Dream (Nuggets Vol. 2)
9. Jessamine - Cheree (Another Fictionalized History)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Playlist for September 9, 2009

1. The Beatles - Revolution 9 (The Beatles)
2. The Boredoms - track 9 (Vision Creation Newsun)
3. Tear Garden - Psycho 9 (To Be An Angel Blind, The Crippled Soul Divide)
4. Helios Creed - Plato's Cave (Planet X)
5. Ash Ra Tempel - Light: Look At Your Sun (Schwingungen)
6. Silver Apples - Starlight Noodle (The Garden)
7. 13th Floor Elevators - Slide Machine (Easter Everywhere)
8. The Black Angels - The Return (Directions to See A Ghost)
9. Crescent - There Is No Matter (Electronic Sound Constructions)
10. Faust - Party 9 (BBC Sessions +)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

August/September Playlists

Playlist for September 2, 2009:
1. Yoko Ono - Mind Holes (Fly)
2. Green Milk From the Planet Orange - A Day in the Planet Orange (City Calls Revolution)
3. Hawkwind - Adjust Me (In Search of Space)
4. Kites - Call Out Your Real Name (Royal Paint With Metallic Gardner)

Playlist for August 26, 2009:
1. Spiritualized - Symphony Space (Lazer Guided Melodies)
2. Comets on Fire - Return to Heaven (Field Recordings from the Sun)
3. Pink Floyd - Jugband Blues (A Saucerful of Secrets)
4. Sonic Youth - Silver Wax Lips (Silver Session)
5. Sub-Arachnoid Space - Slow Boat to China (Delicate Membrane)
6. Cul de Sac & Damo Suzuki - Zagreb 3 (Abhaya Mudra)
7. Dredd Foole - Turn, Turn, Turn (In Quest of Time)

Playlist for August 19, 2009:
1. Sun Dial - She's Looking All Around (Other Way Out)
2. The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Can You See Me (Are You Experienced? [Bonus Tracks])
3. Les Rallizes Denudes - The Last One (67-69 Studio et Live)
4. LSD and the Search for God - Starshine (s/t)
5. Suishou no Fune - Golden Smoke (The Gold Labyrinth)
6. The Dukes of Stratosphear - The Mole from the Ministry (Chips from the Chocolate Fireball)
7. The Moles - Eros Lunch (1963) (Instinct)
8. Harmonia - Watussi (Musik von Harmonia)
9. Ash Ra Tempel - Le Sourire Vole (Le Berceau de Cristal)
10. Vas Deferens Organization - Alpine Gamelan (Sweat Your Cheeses, But Not In My Salad)