Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lunar Eclipse: Playlist for February 20, 2008

1. The Godz - Soon the Moon (Godz II)
2. Ash Ra Tempel - Darkness: Flowers Must Die (Schwingungen)
3. Harold Budd - Memory Gongs (The Moon and the Melodies, w/the Cocteau Twins)
4. Bruce Haack - Just a Song at Twilight (The Electric Lucifer: Book 2)
5. Bruce Haack - National Anthem to the Moon (The Electric Lucifer)
6. Propeller - track 11 (Oro)
7. Brian Eno / David Byrne - Mea Culpa (My Life in the Bush of Ghosts)
8. Crescent - Shadow (Collected Songs)
9. Black Sabbath - Planet Caravan (Paranoid)
10. Talk Talk - Desire (Spirit of Eden)
11. Alphane Moon - Celestial Influences (The Echoing Grove)

Listen to this week's show on our 7-day archive at!

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